Register Arbitrary Models

If the model is neither sklearn style nor H2O style, we can still register it into PiML.

For demonstration, we simulate a simple binary classification dataset and fit a GLM using statsmodels.

import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm

x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(1000, 2))
y = (np.sum(x, axis=1) + np.random.normal(0, 0.1, size=(1000,))) > 0.0

glm_binom = sm.GLM(y, x, family=sm.families.Binomial())
glm_results  =

Next, we define the wrapper functions of predict and predict_proba.

def predict_proba_func(X):
    proba = glm_binom.predict(glm_results.params, exog=X)
    return np.vstack([1 - proba, proba]).T

def predict_func(X):
    proba = glm_binom.predict(glm_results.params, exog=X)
    return proba > 0.5

Register the fitted model into PiML (please make sure the datasets of different pipelines are the same)

from piml import Experiment

exp = Experiment(highcode_only=True)
pipeline = exp.make_pipeline(predict_func=predict_func,
                             feature_names=["X0", "X1"],
exp.register(pipeline, "Statsmodels-GLM")

Check model performance

exp.model_diagnose(model="Statsmodels-GLM", show="accuracy_table")
          ACC      AUC      F1 LogLoss   Brier

Train  0.9700   0.9971  0.9704  0.0690  0.0216
Test   0.9750   0.9961  0.9730  0.0791  0.0220
Gap    0.0050  -0.0010  0.0026  0.0102  0.0003

Explain using post-hoc explanation tools

exp.model_explain(model="Statsmodels-GLM", show="pfi", figsize=(5, 4))
Permutation Feature Importance

Explain using post-hoc explanation tools

exp.model_explain(model="Statsmodels-GLM", show="ale", uni_feature="X0", figsize=(5, 4))
Accumulated Local Effects

Run validataion tests

exp.model_explain(model="Statsmodels-GLM", show="pdp", uni_feature="X0", figsize=(5, 4))
Partial Dependence Plot

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 32.525 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 24 MB

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