Fairness Test: XGB2

Experiment initialization and data preparation

from piml import Experiment
from piml.models import XGB2Classifier

exp = Experiment()
exp.data_loader("SimuCredit", silent=True)
exp.data_summary(feature_exclude=["Race", "Gender"], silent=True)
exp.data_prepare(target="Approved", task_type="classification", silent=True)

Train Model

                               mono_increasing_list=["Mortgage", "Balance"],
                               mono_decreasing_list=["Amount Past Due", "Utilization", "Delinquency",
                                                     "Credit Inquiry", "Open Trade"]),

Fairness Metric

metrics_result = exp.model_fairness(model="XGB2_monotonic",
                                    group_category=["Race", "Gender"],
                                    reference_group=[1., 1.],
                                    protected_group=[0., 0.],
                                    figsize=(5, 4))
Adverse Impact Ratio
Group Index Group Category Reference Group Protected Group AIR
0 0 Race 1.0 0.0 0.612
1 1 Gender 1.0 0.0 0.745

Fairness Segmented

segmented_result = exp.model_fairness(model="XGB2_monotonic",
                                      group_category=["Race", "Gender"],
                                      reference_group=[1., 1.],
                                      protected_group=[0., 0.],
                                      figsize=(10, 4))
Group: 0 (Race), Group: 1 (Gender)
Segment Lower Bound Upper Bound 0-Race | AIR 1-Gender | AIR
0 0 0.97 306.61 0.4485 0.6607
1 1 306.62 601.40 0.4767 0.6426
2 2 601.47 1027.23 0.6319 0.6556
3 3 1027.29 1864.90 0.6486 0.7978
4 4 1864.94 20384.87 0.8781 0.8266

Fairness Binning

binning_result = exp.model_fairness(model="XGB2_monotonic", show="binning",
                                    group_category=["Race", "Gender"],
                                    reference_group=[1., 1.],
                                    protected_group=[0., 0.],
                                    binning_dict={"Balance": {"type": "quantile", "value": [1, 5]},
                                                  "Mortgage": {"type": "uniform", "value": [1, 5]},
                                                  "Amount Past Due": {"type": "custom", "value": (0, 100)}},
                                    figsize=(10, 4))
Group: 0 (Race), Group: 1 (Gender)
ID Configuration Gender | AIR Race | AIR F1
0 0 Original 0.7450 0.6120 0.7163
1 1 Balance: 1, Mortgage: 1, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 1.0004 1.0063 0.5049
2 2 Balance: 1, Mortgage: 2, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 1.0009 1.0008 0.5064
3 3 Balance: 1, Mortgage: 3, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 1.0032 0.9776 0.5127
4 4 Balance: 1, Mortgage: 4, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 1.0048 0.9273 0.5276
5 5 Balance: 1, Mortgage: 5, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 1.0160 0.8439 0.5374
6 6 Balance: 2, Mortgage: 1, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.5674 0.9873 0.3577
7 7 Balance: 2, Mortgage: 2, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.5718 0.9743 0.3611
8 8 Balance: 2, Mortgage: 3, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.5805 0.9321 0.3713
9 9 Balance: 2, Mortgage: 4, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.5921 0.8310 0.3991
10 10 Balance: 2, Mortgage: 5, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.5918 0.6627 0.4014
11 11 Balance: 3, Mortgage: 1, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.4346 1.0061 0.3877
12 12 Balance: 3, Mortgage: 2, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.4388 0.9928 0.3915
13 13 Balance: 3, Mortgage: 3, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.4569 0.9530 0.4011
14 14 Balance: 3, Mortgage: 4, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.4852 0.8571 0.4290
15 15 Balance: 3, Mortgage: 5, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.5129 0.7078 0.4340
16 16 Balance: 4, Mortgage: 1, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.4720 0.9962 0.4153
17 17 Balance: 4, Mortgage: 2, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.4746 0.9865 0.4179
18 18 Balance: 4, Mortgage: 3, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.4921 0.9476 0.4276
19 19 Balance: 4, Mortgage: 4, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.5191 0.8632 0.4516
20 20 Balance: 4, Mortgage: 5, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.5259 0.6781 0.4292
21 21 Balance: 5, Mortgage: 1, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.4835 1.0036 0.4054
22 22 Balance: 5, Mortgage: 2, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.4873 0.9920 0.4087
23 23 Balance: 5, Mortgage: 3, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.5048 0.9508 0.4186
24 24 Balance: 5, Mortgage: 4, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.5227 0.8739 0.4412
25 25 Balance: 5, Mortgage: 5, Amount Past Due: (0, 100) 0.5172 0.7055 0.4302

Fairness Thresholding

thresholding_result = exp.model_fairness(model="XGB2_monotonic",
                                         group_category=["Race", "Gender"],
                                         reference_group=[1., 1.],
                                         protected_group=[0., 0.],
                                         figsize=(10, 4))
Group: 0 (Race), Group: 1 (Gender)
Group Index Group Category Reference Group Protected Group Threshold AIR ACC
0 0 Race 1.0 0.0 0.3324 0.8862 0.6757
1 1 Gender 1.0 0.0 0.3324 0.8917 0.6757

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 45.841 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 23 MB

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery